Steen-familien fra 1853 til i dag

The following wedding notices from Decorah Public Opinion were collected by Orlando Scholl.


Monday afternoon, Dec. 25, at 3 o’clock Miss Esther Borcherding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Borcherding of Arnesville, Ill., became the bride of Odin Scholl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scholl of Frankville Township, at a beautiful church wedding in the Pontoppidan Lutheran Church. The Rev. Peter F. Kjorlaug of Waukon performed the single ring ceremony.

The bride was attired in a teal blue dress and carried a bouquet of Chrysanthemums. Miss Pearl Anderson, the bridesmaid, was dressed in navy blue and wore a shoulder corsage of white chrysanthemums.

The bridegroom wore a green suit and had a white carnation in his coat lapel. Orlando Scholl, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and was dressed in a blue suit. He also wore a white carnation in his lapel.

Mr. Scholl was graduated from Luther College with the class of 1939. Mrs. Scholl was graduated from the High school in Hoskins, Neb., in 1940.

The altar of the church was decorated in blue and white.

In the evening a reception was held at the home of the bridegroom’s parents for a large number of relatives. A large wedding cake was on the center of the table, with two blue candles on either side in white candle-holders.

The table waitresses were Misses Crystal Steen, Helen and Ethel Sandbeck, cousins of the bridegroom and Arlene Anderson.

(The Decorah Public Opinion, 1944)



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